4imprint, LLC

| Updated: January 08, 2021

When a classroom is well organized, it creates a more productive learning environment that can influence student behaviour. At its best, a classroom should have some open space. For younger students, it’s a place to hold activities. For older students, it’s a place to gather for discussions. An efficient classroom improves learning, so organization is key.

Staying organized in a busy classroom can be a challenge. We’ve found some tips to help—and some tools that easily fit in a classroom budget.

Classroom organization tips to inspire learning

Creating designated spaces saves time. Students know where everything is, so they don’t have to spend time searching. These organizational hacks will help students and educators find what they need quickly.

Add photos to bins showing items organized properly

Arrange school supplies neatly in a bin, and take a snapshot. Attach the photo to the bin so students can see how everything should look when it’s organized.

Create a set of student mailboxes

To save time when handing out papers or messages, assign each student a mailbox. Budget-friendly options including using cereal boxes, used shipping boxes or magazine holders. Put a clear travel bag in each box and attach a school logo’d luggage tag with the child’s name on it. Personal boxes give kids a sense of responsibility as well as provide a central storage place for class materials.

Get creative with books

If shelf space is at a premium, use a collapsible cargo organizer to sort and store books by subject, author or title. Since they fold up, keep a few extra on hand to easily handle a growing collection without taking up much space.

Display student work with coloured clipboards

Rather than pinning or taping student projects to the wall, mount several coloured clipboards Teachers can easily clip art projects and stories without damaging students’ hard work. Changing out the displayed work is easy, too.

Turn a jelly roll pan into an in/out board

Divide the pan into sections with colourful tape, labelling each section with “restroom,” “office,” “counsellor,” “band lesson” or any other place students regularly go during the day. Each student’s name can go on an apple-shaped magnet, then placed on the appropriate spot when they are out of the classroom.


These organization tips are just the start to creating a comfortable learning environment. The classroom should be a reflection of you and your students.  With a little planning, creativity and the right tools, educators can find cost-effective ways to help students grow.