Michelle describes ...

Cute tech giveaways that say it with a smile

Give a grin and a fully-charged phone with these fun tech giveaways. Items that make your audience smile will leave a positiv...

Michelle shares ...

Power up your promotions with custom charging cables

Universal chargers are the perfect modern giveaway. Custom charging cables for Android®, iPhone® and micro-USB will power u...

Michelle describes ...

Wireless chargers: The tech giveaway everyone can use

Customers love tech giveaways—but aren’t always ready to use them. Branded wireless chargers that double as other useful ...

Michelle suggests ...

Protect their privacy with promotional webcam covers

Online privacy is important. Promotional webcam covers are a useful tech giveaway to help keep customers and employees protec...

Michelle describes ...

Wireless chargers: The tech giveaways that power up your brand

Wireless chargers are a tech giveaway game changer. We provide the basics of wireless charging, including pros and cons, to h...

Michelle recommends ...

VR headset giveaways take customers on unforgettable journeys

VR headset giveaways allow customers to travel anywhere without ever leaving their chairs. It’s an unforgettable way to sho...

Michelle writes ...

Find Your Fit: Choosing the Best Branded Power Bank Giveaways

Custom power banks are a practical and well-received promo product. Check out these tips for choosing the best branded power ...